+31 20 40 67 550 info@net4kids.org
New Managing Director

New Managing Director

We have something new to tell, and we are very proud of it. As of January 1, 2023, Annelieke Brackel will take on the role of Managing Director of Net4kids, alongside Anke van den Boog. As passionate founder and creative Managing Director, Anke and Annelieke build...
Investors Meet Up 2023

Investors Meet Up 2023

The Investors Meet Up is the network event especially for Net4kids investors. Be inspired by the stories and practical experiences of other investors and meet like-minded entrepreneurs. At the same time you enjoy a drink and a...
The World Cup workers from Nepal

The World Cup workers from Nepal

The World Cup football started for us, like so many in our country, with a mixed feeling. Of course we at Net4kids are happy that we are in the quarterfinals, even Anke is now for the Orange squad now that her native Germany has been eliminated. 😉 But the workers' stories...
Have you already done your Christmas shopping?

Have you already done your Christmas shopping?

Our Christmas campaign is live. Every year, without a marketing budget, we try to use the holidays to highlight one of our urgent projects with our own campaign. This year it is for the Bridge Schools program of SAVE, in India. Right...
Well-trained digital marketers in Ghana

Well-trained digital marketers in Ghana

Improved Corporate Finance has been an investor in the Digital Marketing program of local organization To Be Worldwide in Ghana for five years. Not only did the M&A boutique Improved ensure that this program could be set up financially, the analysts and...
Good atmosphere and great result!

Good atmosphere and great result!

The seventh edition of the Net4kids golf day took place on Monday 19 September 2022. A day of golf with a great group of committed entrepreneurs at BurgGolf de Purmer in Purmerend. And despite the rain in the morning, the day was a great success! We have a...
Volleyball training to empower girls in Nepal

Volleyball training to empower girls in Nepal

In Nepal, our local partner, the Child Watabaran Center (CWCN), gives girls the opportunity to develop and increase their self-confidence. By offering an outreach program to girls in their communities around Kathmandu in which education, healthcare...
Idealism vs. Realism

Idealism vs. Realism

More than 1.5 years ago, Net4kids started a collaboration with initiators Rex Vermeulen and Paul Joosten for a project in the Tanzanian village of Kiruani. The target? Making the Kiruani community self-reliant through education, entrepreneurship and collaboration...
Annual Report 2021

Annual Report 2021

Annual Report 2021 Financial Annual Accounts As an ANBI institution, Net4kids has a publication obligation Standard publication obligation form Fundraising...
We Grow Together event 2022

We Grow Together event 2022

  Young people from 12 countries will come to Campus Landgoed Zonheuvel on June 29 for the We Grow Together Event, a day where young people share their vision and ideas for a sustainable future with partners and decision-makers. The young people develop their ideas for change...