+31 20 40 67 550 info@net4kids.org
Projectreis India: Een land vol kansen

Projectreis India: Een land vol kansen

Net4kids teamleden Annelieke Brackel, Anke van den Boog en Sandra Kooijman bezochten, samen met een groep investeerders, India, een land vol contrasten en uitdagingen, maar ook met ongekende kansen. Tijdens deze inspirerende projectreis stond ÊÊn vraag centraal: hoe...
A sunny golf day in October ☀ī¸

A sunny golf day in October ☀ī¸

On Friday 4 October 2024, the ninth edition of the Net4kids golf day took place. A day of golf with a great group of committed entrepreneurs at BurgGolf de Purmer in Purmerend. It was great to see everyone's enthusiasm again and then also beautiful weather....
Our Impact Report is online

Our Impact Report is online

We call our annual report an impact report this year. The reason is very simple; we are busy making an impact all year round. We want to make a positive contribution to the development of our next generation in a structural way. That is what we do. Read our...
Net4kids 20 years!

Net4kids 20 years!

Net4kids is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. It all started with a search for a concrete child aid project where the impact of our contribution was visible, where we could receive financial reports and where involvement was central. We were...