+31 20 40 67 550 info@net4kids.org
September 12, 2023

What a beautiful day and great result!

The eighth edition of the Net4kids golfevent took place on Monday, September 11, 2023. A day of golf with a great group of committed participants at BurgGolf de Purmer in Purmerend. It was so nice to see everyone's enthusiasm and the weather was beautiful. But more importantly; Together we have achieved a fantastic amount of €39,670! With this amount we can, together with our Indian partner 'Society for Serving Humanity', offer more than 100 vulnerable children (and their families) education, social development, health care and social integration.

Read here .

You can view the photos of this day via this link.

And even though participating is much more important than winning, for those who want to know how their flight scored: have a look below.

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