+31 20 40 67 550 info@net4kids.org

Net4kids is born

Loek and Anke van den Boog

Net4kids was founded in 2004 by Anke and Loek van den Boog. Loek: “We had been giving to charities for years, but we never knew exactly where our money went. We realized we wanted more insight into what our investment was actually doing, and we also wanted more direct involvement.” They decided to set up their own family foundation. With this foundation they invested in three projects. Befriended investors became enthusiastic and were linked to suitable projects. Net4kids was born.

Many people wonder why Net4kids focuses on companies. The reason is simple: governments and NGOs have limited power. Without an active social role of the business community, the differences in the world will persist and even increase. And it is precisely companies, large and small, that can make a difference by supporting very concretely defined projects. It gives visible results, children a future, and the companies themselves also become more attractive. For staff, for talent and for prospects.

To further increase our impact, we also work with corporate and private foundations. Our infrastructure, knowledge and expertise suit this target group that wants a high-quality, child care portfolio in which involvement goes hand in hand with independent and good management. 

Rainbow Homes India

The nr 1 child aid organization for companies

Net4kids now works with local partner organizations in India, Nepal, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Ghana, Tanzania, South Africa and Rwanda. More than three hundred thousand children have already been helped and, thanks to our participating companies, have been given the opportunity to build a promising life. We are very proud of that. But of course we will continue, because there is still a lot to do. That is why we have a great new goal: we want to be the No. 1 children's aid organization for companies that want to give their social activities more structure and content. In other words: we want to attract many more companies to us, so that together we can offer even more children a future, with opportunities, possibilities, an independent and autonomous existence.

Together we make the gap smaller

With our 1% program we make it possible for every company to participate. It gives structure to your CSR aspirations in a very simple way, and it moves along with the state of your company. And it's for such a good cause: because if every company contributes, we make the gap really smaller. And the more companies show they are doing something, and that starting small is really better than doing nothing, we create a movement. That's our dream. Will you join us?

300,000+ children helped so far.

SAVE India
FT Kilimanjaro Nairobi

5 passionate ambassadors.

60+ companies investing

Rainbow Homes Blyde

Our team

Here we are. This is our team. Professional, rich in experience and extremely driven. And oh yes, you can also just laugh with us. 

Anke van den Boog

Anke van den Boog


Anne-Marijn Bentum

Anne-Marijn Bentum

Marketing communications

Annelieke Brackel

Annelieke Brackel

Managing Director

Rieteke Roelofs

Rieteke Roelofs


Sandra Kooijman

Sandra Kooijman

Project Management

Jorim de Kroon

Jorim de Kroon

Account manager

Our ambassadors

We are nowhere without our ambassadors. Everyone has their own expertise, strengths and beliefs. But above all a source of inspiration. So indispensable.

Jaco Brussé

Jaco Brussé

On a journey to make an impact

Marco Gianotten

Marco Gianotten

Founder & CEO XLABS

Ron de Mos

Ron de Mos

Supervisor, Advisor and Coach

Mario Huibers

Mario Huibers

Owner at Bluefootfamily

Marcel van der Schaaff

Marcel van der Schaaff

Founder & managing partner Carteman Ventures

Our board members

Loek van den Boog

Loek van den Boog


Nienke van den Hoek

Nienke van den Hoek


Peter Willeme

Peter Willeme


Pieter Jonker

Pieter Jonker

Honorary member

For the pioneers

Can you feel what we mean? And do you see that 'doing good' can also be fun? 

Talk further?

Are you thinking about Corporate Social Responsibility? Are you interested in the method of Net4kids and curious about the possibilities? In a personal meeting we will explain it all to you, we will show you what impact your company can make and how simple the 1% program is.

The Net4kids newsletter

We would like to keep you informed about how the children in the projects are doing, but also how we can help you make an impact for our next generation. We promise we won't spam you.