+31 20 40 67 550 info@net4kids.org
Past Events
29 Jun 2022

We Grow Together event 2022

For whom:
Entrepreneurs or enterprising people

June 29, 2022 – 10:00 AM–3:00 PM

Campus Zonheuvel Estate

Anne-Marijn Bentum


Young people from 12 countries will come to Campus Landgoed Zonheuvel on June 29 for the We Grow Together Event, a day where young people share their vision and ideas for a sustainable future with partners and decision-makers. The young people develop their ideas for change into local projects and startups and help each other in the international We Grow Together Community.


During the event, the enterprising young people – also called Living Legends mentioned – their current requests for help. They also invite partners to support the implementation of their projects and startups with knowledge, expertise or budget. During the event, the young people and partners learn from and with each other and together build Climate Education & Entrepreneurship for all youth.

Sign Up

Are you or do you know a partner who wants to work for these young people and their future? Someone who wants to use his or her knowledge, expertise or budget to make an impact with young people? You can register via this form. Preferably before June 6.

More information about the program. 

Network of young people

The We Grow Together Event is an initiative of ONE WORLD Citizens (OWC), a network of young people who work together to realize sustainable and social changes and improvements in society. OWC and Net4kids work together with Valuable Working OfficeEarth Charter NetherlandsSBI . Foundation and the Center for Climate Education & Entrepreneurship.

More Past Events

Talk further?

Are you thinking about Corporate Social Responsibility? Are you interested in the method of Net4kids and curious about the possibilities? In a personal meeting we will explain it all to you, we will show you what impact your company can make and how simple the 1% program is.

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