+31 20 40 67 550 info@net4kids.org
Our Impact Report is online

Our Impact Report is online

Our impact report 2023 is online! This year we call our annual report an impact report. The reason is very simple; we are busy making an impact all year round. We want to make a structural positive contribution to the development of our next generation....
Impact Report 2023

Impact Report 2023

Annual Report 2023 Financial Annual Accounts As an ANBI institution, Net4kids has a publication obligation Standard publication obligation form Fundraising...
Net4kids 20 years!

Net4kids 20 years!

Net4kids is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. It all started with a search for a concrete child aid project where the impact of our contribution was visible, where we could receive financial reports and where involvement was central. We were...
Investors Meet Up 2024

Investors Meet Up 2024

On March 21, 2024 we had a successful Investors Meet Up with a great turnout and a full program. Thanks to our network of involved companies, we can together give so many children a better chance. Speakers Three speakers spoke, also...
Jorim de Kroon: valuable addition for Net4kids

Jorim de Kroon: valuable addition for Net4kids

Net4kids is expanding. Jorim de Kroon joins our five-person team and, in addition to his passion for music and art, he brings with him his proven skills as a fundraiser and relationship manager. Jorim has started as an account manager since January 2024. His special mix...
Haarlem Tea Company: Tea for change

Haarlem Tea Company: Tea for change

Haarlem Tea Company is a family business specialized in tea. They strive for a fair production chain in the tea industry. They do this by investing in improving the living conditions of tea farmers, plantation employees and their...
Golf day October 4, 2024

Golf day October 4, 2024

On Friday, October 4, 2024, we will organize the ninth edition of the annual Net4kids golf event at BurgGolf Golfresort de Purmer in Purmerend. We cordially invite you to play along (again) this year. Playing golf and making a difference In addition to a great golf program, you can...
2024: Project trip to India

2024: Project trip to India

We offer our (potential) investors a unique opportunity to see with their own eyes how Net4kids' local project partners work in India. Educational and inspiring The purpose of this trip is to offer an educational and inspiring experience and to...