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Success Stories
Carteman Ventures

Carteman Ventures: Pioneering water project in Tanzania

We have another great investor this year: Carteman Ventures, a progressive investment fund that wants to accelerate the energy transition as a driving force. They invest in promising starters in the field of deep energy technology.

Perfect match

And that is where an innovative pilot project fits in where technology, (solar) energy and entrepreneurship come together. In Tanzania we will use these three pillars to provide very vulnerable families and communities in Lower Moshi with really clean drinking water. With innovative water pumps (solar-powered) and filters (the so-called BAR) developed by startup Element15, we solve three problems in the region:

💧Safe drinking water: the innovative filter (BAR) completely filters bacteria, parasites and fluoride. This way, children can continue to go to school in good health.
🌽Food security: the solar pumps give farmers an effective means to irrigate their land, while BAR provides safe water for food; In concrete terms, this means that children no longer have to go to school on an empty stomach.
💵Net income: the solar pump increases the yield of the crops. With the help of the BAR filters, the harvest is of better quality and farmers can store their agricultural products and sell them at better market prices. This increases the farmers' income and they will soon be able to finance (further) education for their children.

Read more about this project.

Innovative concept

Marcel van der Schaaff, co-founder and managing partner, says about Carteman Ventures: “Far too often, young starters fail because of a lack of money and entrepreneurial support. As a result, a lot of value is lost for the entrepreneur and society. Our goal is to change that with an innovative investment concept.”

And Marcel, who is also an ambassador of Net4kids, together with his partners from Carteman Ventures, is now also continuing this approach in the collaboration with Net4kids. Thanks to this perfect match, we have completed the initial financing, but we are still looking for further financing to fully roll out the project.

Also interested in this project? Contact us.

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