+31 20 40 67 550 info@net4kids.org
Success Stories
Nextview Consulting

Nextview: Authentically committed to doing good

“Since the very beginning, we are designing better business: growing our positive impact in the world and measuring our success by the changes we make.” As a certified B Corporation, Nextview inspires people and companies to use entrepreneurship as a way to improve the world. For example, Nextview is committed to a sustainable society as a 'participant of the United Nations Global Impact', is involved in the 'Plastic Whale Foundation' and Huub Waterval, former CEO of Nextview, is founder of the 'Maas Clean Up'.

Growing our positive impact in the world

At Net4kids, we are proud that Nextview has been working with us since 2017. Nextview, together with Net4kids, is committed to supporting a new generation of children in Nepal. Thanks to Nextview, local partner Child Watabaran Center Nepal (CWCN) can offer an 'outreach program' to girls in their communities around Kathmandu in which education, healthcare and personal development (sports & life skills) is key. With this program, we do not only change the lives of these girls, but we structurally build self-reliant communities in Nepal together. Or, in the words of Nextview, “Growing a positive impact in the world.”

Salesforce data model

Since 2022, the collaboration between Nextview and Net4kids has taken on a new dimension. Sparked by Esther Bakker (Director Growth & Talent at Nextview Consulting) who was inspired during our Net4kids Investors Meet Up to make more optimal use of the knowledge and skills of the Nextview team. A big difference is now being made not only in Nepal, but also for the Net4kids team in the Netherlands.
Nextview, the largest independent Salesforce partner in Europe, has since been helping Net4kids to improve business processes and modernize the Salesforce environment. So that Net4kids can work much more efficiently and ultimately have more impact (= help more children). With a new data model, the administrative (fundraising and project management) process has been improved, and we as a team can focus on relationships with local partners and investors instead of on the administration of data in a system. What a difference this makes to our team.

Designing better business

Several enthusiastic Nextview employees contributed and built the new model in Salesforce. The internal call to participate in the 'Net4kids project' was answered with great enthusiasm within Nextview. Amira Mahjoub (Senior Service Designer at Nextview) together with Rogier Maaten (Managing Consultant at Nextview Consulting and team lead in our Salesforce project) introduced us to their design thinking working method in a very inspiring way by doing extensive workshops with our team. And many other Salesforce experts ultimately helped us (online) to get our administration into Salesforce correctly, so that we can really work better and more efficiently. Designing better business for sure: a positive impact on employee engagement and Net4kids an improved administration process.

And best of all, one year later, at the next Net4kids investors Meet Up, Esther Bakker and Rogier Maaten were on stage as speakers to explain what the collaboration between Nextview and Net4kids entails. Nextview's involvement is infectious and has once again inspired our guests at the Investors Meet Up. Just as they hoped and so did we!

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Are you thinking about Corporate Social Responsibility? Are you interested in the method of Net4kids and curious about the possibilities? In a personal meeting we will explain it all to you, we will show you what impact your company can make and how simple the 1% program is.

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