+31 20 40 67 550 info@net4kids.org
March 17, 2022

Net4kids Meet Up: A growing network of investors

Our network of enthusiastic entrepreneurs is growing all the time. Besides the fact that this allows us to help many more children, it is also a huge source of inspiration for anyone who really wants to make a difference with their company. How great would it be if all those entrepreneurs start talking to each other about social objectives, about how you as a company can mean something for the next generation, for vulnerable children and young people, and how you can directly involve employees in this.

A warm welcome

On Tuesday March 8, those great encounters within our network took place at our second edition of the Net4kids Investors MeetUp. In The Suite, the beautiful sponsored event location of Wicked Grounds in Amsterdam, our investors came together to be inspired by the speakers on stage as well as by each other. When we arrived, the atmosphere was already good. Just like us, many of you were also ready for physical events. After living with the Corona measures for such a long time, from zoom meeting to zoom meeting, it was a relief to really see and greet everyone again.

With every spot in the room filled, general manager Anke van den Boog started the evening with a warm welcome to everyone. In addition to the beautiful opening speech, also an important shout-out to the toppers of our new branding, Webcircle and Propper & Garnaat. From the flag at the door to the branded mints (courtesy of Intersweets), everything has been redesigned. How happy it makes us.

What is 1%?

With that in mind, Net4kids founder Loek van den Boog explained how our 1% For The Next Generation program has taken off in recent years. More and more companies from our network are incorporating the structure of 1% profit, 1% time and/or 1% product into their business objectives. Loek shared our approach on how we then 'load' this structure with a project that fits the company's DNA (Perfect Match) and how you can involve your employees (Employee Engagement).

Companies speak

We couldn't have told the great project matches we've made lately better than by the companies themselves. Greenberg Nielsen will be working in Ghana with young people focused on financial education, Trustmoore is already working with young entrepreneurs in South Africa and Been Management Consulting is linked to a project in South Africa focused on Early Child Development. The first steps for further involvement will also be taken here shortly. Thanks for your introductions Iris, Pieter and Esther.

On the stage

A company that has already taken many steps in the context of employee engagement is Improved Corporate Finance. Director Marlon Brand, together with Emile van de Klok, digital marketing expert and Net4kids pro bono professional, was on stage to talk about their Digital Marketeer project in Ghana. With a tear (little Maddy from Kenya with her indelible impression on Emile) and a smile (seeing the successful marketing students in Ghana) they told their story about creating involvement, implementing a business idea and the impact of the programs on the youth in Ghana. Thanks to the To Be Improved program, these young people go into their further career with so much more life and business skills. They are really going to bring about a change in their own generation.

With Rex Vermeulen and Paul Joosten we couldn't have wished for a better end to the program on stage. The adventure we started with these two men, and another 30 entrepreneurs, in the village of Kiruani, in Tanzania, is a story about 'do not talk, but do', about really getting started, your knowledge, expertise and network to stake. Together we learn from and with these entrepreneurs in the Kiruani Town Funding & Advisory Board how we can really make a difference in Tanzania.

The message we actually heard from everyone on stage: everyone can make a difference. Just do it. There is still so much expertise to share. With growing start-ups that implement our 1% model, we also create a funding stream that is and remains necessary to support our projects financially and sustainably.


Finally, one of those start-ups that we were able to offer a stage was B Deals, the starting young entrepreneurs Floris and Jonas. They gave everyone in the room a voucher to order their impact box containing products from B corps companies such as Tony Chocolony, Seepje and Paper on the Rocks. If you subsequently order these impact boxes for your customers or staff, 1% of the proceeds will go to Net4kids. Good (B)Deal right?

With a snack and a drink in hand, we were able to talk to many of you and you were also able to meet each other. The lines have been laid, the impact stories have been shared (but the business has also been discussed) and you strengthen the Net4kids network and we strengthen the young people from our projects together! This win-win really makes the difference. Thank you for coming. And until the next edition!


More news

Talk further?

Are you thinking about Corporate Social Responsibility? Are you interested in the method of Net4kids and curious about the possibilities? In a personal meeting we will explain it all to you, we will show you what impact your company can make and how simple the 1% program is.

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