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A better world starts with children

But what kind of world do children grow up in? Violence, polarization, climate change. It's a lot. Everything that is going on at the moment can make you feel powerless. Sometimes you feel like there's little you can do. During this Christmas campaign you can make a concrete contribution to the three projects below that still require funding. Time for action.

Make a difference in Vietnam

Make a difference in Rwanda

Make a difference in Kenya

World action

Net4kids makes a world of difference for vulnerable children. In Kenya, Rwanda, Vietnam and many more places in our world we offer education, healthcare and a safe place to our next generation. But we can't do that alone. We really need you to make the world a better place for children. So join our global campaign this holiday season. Choose the project that suits you, choose the amount you can spare, and make the world a better place.

World action

Net4kids makes a world of difference for vulnerable children. In Kenya, Rwanda, Vietnam and many more places in our world we offer education, healthcare and a safe place to our next generation. But we can't do that alone. We really need you to make the world a better place for children. So join our global campaign this holiday season. Choose the project that suits you, choose the amount you can spare, and make the world a better place.

FT Kilimanjaro Tanzania
FT Kilimanjaro Tanzania


On the streets of Hanoi and Ho Chi Min City in Vietnam, street youth sell chewing gum and newspapers, polish shoes, or simply beg to buy food. The self-esteem of these young people is low, and they have no prospect of a healthy and independent existence. Every year, together with our local organization KOTO, we offer these vulnerable young people a two-year training program in the hospitality sector. The training is certified by a renowned training institute from Australia. These young people are trained to work in the best hotels and restaurants, and at the same time they receive all the social support needed to develop as individuals. Such as life skills training, sex education and financial knowledge.

FT Kilimanjaro Tanzania


Every year, around 2.5 million girls in developing countries give birth to their first child before the age of 15. This is also a big problem in Rwanda. To give all these young girls, who have to deal with an (unwanted) pregnancy and having a child, a future perspective, Jean Paul Nduwimana started a textile training for teenage mothers in Rusizi, Rwanda. The girls come together at the Yego training center and learn to make a product. At the same time, they also get the opportunity to share with each other what they have experienced. They are being taught business skills to subsequently set up their own (textile) company. In addition to clothing, they also make reusable sanitary pads. A lack of this prevents many young girls from going to school when they have their period. The goal is to provide 300 girls textile training yearly.

FT Kilimanjaro Tanzania
FT Kilimanjaro Tanzania


In Kenya we focus on (street) children who do not have a safe home. Together with local organization Watoto Wema, we offer a safe environment, healthcare and education. Reintegration back into the family is very important. So after an initial period of care in the Watoto Wema Center, we ensure, where possible, that they grow up with their own family or their own community again. With your contribution we want to invest in education, healthcare and a future for very vulnerable children. For €543 per year we can provide a child in the Watoto Wema Center with all the support he or she needs for a year.

How it works

Choose one of the three projects and donate an amount of your choice. You can pay safely via the payment links. After your donation you will receive a confirmation email with proof of payment. 

Let's invest together in The Next Generation.

How it works

Choose one of the three projects and donate an amount of your choice. You can pay safely via the payment links. After your donation you will receive a confirmation email with proof of payment. 

Let's invest together in The Next Generation.

Make a difference in Vietnam

Make a difference in Rwanda

Make a difference in Kenya

Talk further?

Are you thinking about Corporate Social Responsibility? Are you interested in the method of Net4kids and curious about the possibilities? In a personal meeting we will explain it all to you, we will show you what impact your company can make and how simple the 1% program is.

The Net4kids newsletter

We would like to keep you informed about how the children in the projects are doing, but also how we can help you make an impact for our next generation. We promise we won't spam you.