+31 20 40 67 550 info@net4kids.org
September 21, 2021

It was a hit!

The sixth edition of the Net4kids Golf Day took place on Monday, September 20, 2021. A sunny day of golf with a great group of committed entrepreneurs at BurgGolf de Purmer in Purmerend. And it was a success! We have achieved a great yield of €45,610 together. With this amount, together with our Indian partner 'Society for Serving Humanity', we can offer 116 vulnerable children and their families a well-thought-out and proven comprehensive approach, aimed at education, social development, health care and social integration.

And even though participating in the Net4kids Golf Day is much more important than winning, for those who want to know how their flight has scored: you can view this at the bottom of this page.

Next year the seventh edition of the Net4kids Golf Day will take place on September 19, 2022. Put it in your diary. Are you there (again)?


The scores


Profource 38 witeco 44
Giarte 39 goodzo 44
Rhineland Execution 40 T-Systems 46
TASK (Soon) 40 Net4kids 48
Bluefoot Family 41 Frontline Solutions 49
Freeday 42 Valori 51
TASK (Cutter) 43 Ygrec Finance 51
Master builders 44 Visualfabriq 54
MG Partners 44 Rainbow Solutions 54

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