+31 20 40 67 550 info@net4kids.org
Annual reports

Annual report 2018

Net4kids existed 15 years this year. Despite the successes, it has once again become clear to us that Net4kids is one of the best kept secrets in entrepreneurial Netherlands.

The added value for the children we help is evident, but our added value for companies in the content and form of their social involvement is often underexposed.

  Annual report 2018

  Looking back / looking ahead

  Financial Statements 2018

More Annual Reports

Talk further?

Are you thinking about Corporate Social Responsibility? Are you interested in the method of Net4kids and curious about the possibilities? In a personal meeting we will explain it all to you, we will show you what impact your company can make and how simple the 1% program is.

The Net4kids newsletter

We would like to keep you informed about how the children in the projects are doing, but also how we can help you make an impact for our next generation. We promise we won't spam you.