Net4kids, together with companies, helps children who hardly get opportunities based on the vision that social involvement is an integral part of entrepreneurship. Net4kids is therefore convinced that the companies that understand and apply this are more successful.
During our Investors Meet Up we bring the investors of Net4kids together to meet and exchange experiences about social involvement within their company. We will share best practices and success stories of our investors and discuss ideas for the future. We also want to show you that there are many options for involving your employees in the CSR policy. The main goal of this afternoon will be: meet like-minded entrepreneurs and go home with a lot of new ideas and insights on how to develop your organization in the desired direction.
What can you expect?
On the stage: inspiring practical examples. Marlon Brand, Improved Corporate Finance talks about how he and his colleagues help Ghanaian young people on their way to a successful career. Thanks to Google expert Emile van de Klok, these Ghanaian youngsters are being trained to become digital marketers. In addition, two entrepreneurs and networkers pur sang, Rex Vermeulen and Paul Joosten, on stage. They talk about how they mobilize their own network to make an entire village in Tanzania self-reliant.
Next to the stage: every company and every entrepreneur in our network makes an impact. Inspire each other about the ways in which you can do social entrepreneurship, how you involve your employees in your project and how you can strengthen each other to ultimately help many more children.
This meet up was organized for the first time in 2020. Do you want to know more about it and/or register for this second edition on March 8, 2022? Please contact Anne-Marijn: Until then?