This year, Covid-19 has turned the world upside down. Especially for the vulnerable children in the various Net4kids projects. Parents lose their income. Children cannot go to school. Child labor, abuse and child marriage are lurking. These kids have our support just now desperately needed.
That is why Net4kids has started a Christmas campaign. Just after the Black Friday weekend in which we are urged to buy more and more, the time may have come to 'give'. And what could be better than instead of the usual annual Christmas gifts, this time an impactful gift for the holidays, with which you can make a difference in the lives of the children.
During this campaign we offer Christmas packages On. The more packages we sell, the more children can go back to school. Choose an amount that suits you and make a difference in a child's life. For example, choose school materials (€ 25), a health care package (€ 64), send a child to school (€ 160) or a year of education (€ 320). You can of course also choose your own amount.
The proceeds from the packages will go to our Bridge Schools project in the south of India. The children and their families in the textile region of Tirupur (India) are hard hit by the current circumstances. Many people work for a low daily wage in the textile factories (without a contract) and are out of work from one day to the next. As a result, the children cannot go to school.
If we don't continue to support these kids and their families, these children will disappear from the radar. Girls are married off because parents see no other way out. The United Nations Population Fund estimates that the Corona crisis could lead to 13 million more child marriages than normal worldwide in the next ten years. Read more about this in this article of the NOS. But the chance that children will still end up in a shady factory or be abused at home has also increased thanks to Covid-19.
Our local partner, with all its social workers (what heroes!) And food & health programs, is doing everything possible to continue to support these children and their families. Net4kids wants to continue to finance all 250 children in the project. We want to see these children all safe and sound in school by 2021.
That is why we need the support of all entrepreneurs, employees, freelancers, mothers, fathers, friends, family in our network.
Are you also participating? Buy it HERE your Christmas package and really give an impactful gift during the holidays.
The time is now.