Roamers on a mission
This week, December 12 – 16, all Roamlers are invited to execute as many tasks as possible. Why? To raise a great amount of money for Net4kids. Roamler annually donates 1% of its earnings as a company to their project of Net4kids, the Rainbow Homes in India. in short, the more Roamlers get to work, the more girls off the street! The Roamler app will be turned into the 'Roamlers on a mission' app for this one week.
So, let's get to work!
The frontrunner has performed 200 tasks a day. Will you take on the challenge to beat this?
Enabling kids to build a better future
For the 11 million children roaming the streets of India, childhood is marked by difficulty and strife. Roamler is committed to helping them build up a better future. Among the millions of abandoned children in India, girls are most at risk: they are often abused, or working as child laborers with virtually no chance for a better future. Since 2018 Roamler supports The Rainbow Homes, a program that aims at providing young girls, aged between 4 and 18, with education, nutrition, love and a safe place to live.

The story of Dilruba
Dilruba joined a Rainbow Home when she was 8 years old. She came from West Bengal and like millions of other Indian families hers too migrated to Delhi in search of a better life. With no friends or family members to help them, Dilruba's family set up a small shack in the slums near a railway station, and started to earn their first wages through ragpicking. Despite her young age, Dilruba participated in the family's new profession and contributed the best she could. But while working on the street, she heard about the Rainbow Homes. She convinced her parents to let her participate in the Rainbow program, and after a while they agreed. Dilruba is a strong example of hard work and diligence. She is a highly participative girl with strong leadership skills. Now she is 16 years old, and determined to become a doctor. The Rainbow home team is working on a career and training plan for her, so she can make her dream reality.
Thanks to the support of Roamler since 2018 more than 250 girls, like Dilruba, have been given the chance to develop themselves.
1% makes a world of difference
You might think: how can 1% make a difference? Then know: it makes a world of difference. It shows that small-scale, local projects like the Rainbow Homes lead to powerful and visible results. So it is not a drop in the ocean: many times micro make macro! And also know: 1% of your time, profit and knowledge is a 100% chance for a better and brighter future for the children. Thank you Roamlers on a mission for your extra efforts to support our program.

1% makes a world of difference
You might think: how can 1% make a difference? Then know: it makes a world of difference. It shows that small-scale, local projects like the Rainbow Homes lead to powerful and visible results. So it is not a drop in the ocean: many times micro make macro! And also know: 1% of your time, profit and knowledge is a 100% chance for a better and brighter future for the children. Thank you Roamlers on a mission for your extra efforts to support our program.
Talk further?
Are you thinking about Corporate Social Responsibility? Are you interested in the method of Net4kids and curious about the possibilities? In a personal meeting we will explain it all to you, we will show you what impact your company can make and how simple the 1% program is.
The Net4kids newsletter
We would like to keep you informed about how the children in the projects are doing, but also how we can help you make an impact for our next generation. We promise we won't spam you.