The third edition of the Net4kids Business Golf Day is over. How we enjoyed all enthusiastic participants. A day of golf with your business partners with the aim of making a real difference in the lives of street girls. That turns out to be a perfect combination.
With a sold-out field of participants and a very good sale of the lottery tickets, we raised a total of € 49,000 for the Rainbow Homes project. The highest return ever for our golf day. We are proud of that, of course.
But we could not have realized this without all the volunteers who helped us all day long. Suzanne wrapped everyone in her flowers, Rieteke & Marleen handed out a great many tikkies and Hugo took beautiful photos of the event. You can check them out right here.
Super sponsors
Our sponsors are also a big part of the success. Obviously the host of the day, De Goyer Golf & Country, for making the course available free of charge. Many thanks to Iron Shirt of Golf: Participants surprised themselves with their left-handed golf talent. The restaurant catering and drinks tasted even better thanks to NUMA group and Synerlogic. And no golf day without golf balls; thanks to Quaestus, enough nice balls could be hit.
The sale of the lottery tickets (no fewer than 170 lots have been sold) will probably have gone so well because of the fantastic prizes that have been made available by KPN with three iPhone 8s, Bluefoot Family with cool prices such as Skydiving and Icekarting. The Brown Paper Company made their boat available and through Visualfabriq we also had a well-known football player in our midst, John de Wolf with a great boot camp prize. From dinner coupons and salsa workshops to green fees, also thanks to Valori and Bouwmeesters, the lottery winners are in any case well spoiled!
But only one can be the winner. The men of Young Capital (see photo) took the win. In addition to eternal fame, also with great golf prizes from Iron Shirt of Golf and thanks to Quaestus, a Secure Based Leadership program tailored to each participant in the flight.
You can imagine that we need to recover from this fantastic day. But that we are also looking forward to the next edition on April 15, 2019. Will we see you again? Or, if you unfortunately were not there, will you come next time? Then we'll match the wonderful yield, deal?