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January 9, 2018

Best of 2017

This month we will take a look at some great successes from the past year. So that we can brighten up the gray month of January. Because did you know that in 2017:

  • Rose from Tanzania passed her hospitality education? And that she found a job immediately after graduation?
  • Mariya from the Rainbow Homes in India has become famous thanks to her role in the movie β€œPoorna”
  • Net4kids has launched its new website?
  • The stakeholder trip to India was again a great success? Read the beautiful update of one of the participants and you want to join us next year.
  • Doris, the coordinator of the Takoradi Education Center in Ghana, is so popular that every child wants to learn to read at her 'reading club'? Thanks to her, Ghanaian kids go to school with confidence.

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