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Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka: A future for tea plantation communities

Together with the Sevalanka Foundation, we focus on improving water, sanitation, health and education for marginalized communities in the tea plantations of Deniyaya, Southern Sri Lanka. These vulnerable communities live in poverty, with limited access to basic services and opportunities. We strive for a sustainable future by reducing inequality and promoting social well-being.

Sri Lanka ISURU
Sri Lanka ISURU
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Creating a safe and stimulating environment for children

Sri Lanka’s tea plantations are home to (worker) communities that have often been socially, economically and politically isolated for generations. These communities are among the most vulnerable groups in Sri Lanka. Most workers live in small, overcrowded homes without running water and sanitation. They have limited access to healthcare and education, and job security is virtually non-existent. Together with the Sevalanka Foundation, we improve access to clean water, sanitation, education and legal support for children and their families. This approach creates a safe and stimulating environment for children, while helping communities break the cycle of poverty and build a sustainable future.

About the project partner

Founded in 1992, Sevalanka Foundation is a leading non-profit organization in Sri Lanka that works for the most vulnerable communities, with a focus on education, healthcare, income support and infrastructure development. With over 30 years of experience, Sevalanka has built a strong reputation in mobilizing disadvantaged communities, especially in the tea plantations, where they work to improve living conditions and strengthen local capacities. In particular, the expertise with the tea farmers makes Sevalanka a strong partner to scale up for one of our investors, who is active in the tea industry.

Sri Lanka ISURU
Sri Lanka Tea Estates

How we contribute to this project

The aim is to provide sustainable solutions that significantly improve the health, well-being and educational opportunities of over 220 families, including 200 young children. We aim to provide access to clean water and hygiene by renovating latrines and water storage facilities at five Early Childhood Development Centres (ECDCs). In addition, we promote education through infrastructure improvements and awareness sessions for parents on the importance of education. Mobile legal clinics provide essential support in obtaining documents such as birth and marriage certificates, reducing inequalities and increasing access to government services.

Interested in contributing? Net4kids could be the ideal partner for your business, especially if you are active in the sustainable tea and coffee industry and strive for positive change within your supply chain. Together we can help improve the living conditions in the communities where your products come from, while directly impacting the lives of vulnerable children and their families. Let us work together towards a sustainable future and a responsible supply chain.

Sri Lanka ISURU
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